Industry Partners

Council works closely with Business Chambers and Tourism Bodies to amplify their great work in tourism and economic development. You can become a member of your local chamber to access local networking opportunities, marketing and business support initiatives.

Business Chambers across Shoalhaven

Berry Chamber of Commerce
Culburra and Districts Chamber of Commerce
Huskisson Chamber of Commerce and Tourism
Kangaroo Valley Chamber of Tourism and Commerce
Milton Ulladulla Business Chamber
Shoalhaven Business Chamber
Shoalhaven Heads Chamber of Commerce
Sussex Inlet and Districts Chamber of Commerce and Tourism

Vincentia Village Chamber of Commerce Inc.

ED Partners

The Economic Development team works in collaboration with many other industry partners with a shared vision of enhancing the local economy. These partners include:

The Department of Regional NSW
Service NSW Business Concierge
Investment NSW logo
Investment NSW
Shoalhaven Professional Business Association (SPBA)
Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Defence Network
Business NSW
Destination Sydney Surrounds South
RDA Illawarra Shoalhaven

Tourism Matrix / Strategies

DSSS Destination Sydney Surrounds South (DSSS) is one of seven Destination Networks (DNs) in regional NSW. Its principal role is to represent and coordinate the growth and development of the Sydney Surrounds South visitor economy.

The Sydney Surrounds South region comprises five local government areas: Wollongong, Shellharbour, Kiama, Shoalhaven, and Wingecarribee (the Southern Highlands).

Each has its respective vision for the future, as well as projects and priorities that are relevant to the sustainable growth of the region.

Destination NSW (DNSW) is the lead agency, champion, and voice for the visitor economy within the NSW Government.

Spearheading a whole-of-government approach to visitor economy growth, Destination NSW is responsible for leading the delivery of the NSW Visitor Economy Strategy 2030 in partnership with government and industry.

Destination NSW influences and shapes the visitor economy through strategic research, policy and thought leadership, stakeholder engagement and consultation, commercial partnerships and investment in visitor experiences, business support, marketing and events.

Destination NSW is also the major investor in Business Events Sydney (BESydney) with a focus on securing international and domestic conventions, incentive travel reward programs, corporate events, and exhibitions for Sydney and regional NSW.

Tourism Australia (TA) is the Australian Government agency responsible for attracting international visitors to Australia, both for leisure and business events. The organisation is active in 15 key markets and activities include advertising, PR and media programs, trade shows and industry programs, consumer promotions, online communications, and consumer research.

The Department of Regional NSW (Regional NSW) is the agency for regional issues in NSW. 

Together, they work to make regional NSW an even better place to live, work, play, and invest in.



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Economic Development