
The Shoalhaven has a well serviced and growing education sector offering a wide range of education and training opportunities. In the Shoalhaven you can continue lifetime learning with all levels of education catered for from child day care to private and public schools, vocational, TAFE and University courses.

Child Care / Pre-Schools

There is a range of community based pre schools, privately operated child care facilities and early childhood centres on offer throughout the Shoalhaven. You can search for childcare providers at the following link.

Shoalhaven City Council also coordinates Family Day Care. Family Day Care is an alternative to centre based care, where children are cared for in the homes of registered carers. Shoalhaven Family Day Care is always looking for carers to work in the Shoalhaven region.  If you are looking for a career in child care and would like further information, please visit the Shoalhaven Family Day Care page.

Secondary Schools

Government Secondary Schools

The Shoalhaven has five government secondary schools at Bomaderry; Nowra; Shoalhaven; Ulladulla & Vincentia.

Non-Government Secondary Schools

There are several private secondary schools in the Shoalhaven


In addition, rail and coach transport is available to Shoalhaven students attending either Wollongong or Southern Highlands private secondary schools.

Tertiary Education

The University of Wollongong – Shoalhaven Campus is located at Mundamia, to the west of Nowra and offers a range of courses at Nowra through its Faculties. 

The Campus offers a space where students can undertake all or part of a degree. With the upgrading of the technology used for flexible delivery of learning at UOW, it is expected that an even greater range of subject and course offerings will be available as they expand.

NSW TAFE have campuses at Bomaderry and Milton/Ulladulla, allowing the opportunity to train locally and providing the region with a strong skills base.

The campuses offer a broad range of courses in the trade, manufacturing, business, tourism, hospitality, education, community and maritime sectors.

Vocational Training

There is a wide range of specialist registered training organisations (RTO’s) that operate within the Shoalhaven. Organisations can be found via the following search tool.



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