Shoalhaven is 50 towns and villages
Blessed with perhaps the most scenically beautiful landscapes on the east coast of Australia, the Shoalhaven region stretches from the lush rainforests of the Kangaroo Valley and the quaint country town of Berry in the north, along many miles of exquisite beaches, and on to Durras in the south.
From Sydney, it’s an easy two hour drive 160km south.
From Canberra, it’s a two and a half hour drive (approx. 200km) north via Sutton Forest and Kangaroo Valley, or two hours through Bungendore, Tarago and Nerriga on sealed roads, bringing you into the area from the south.
Travelling to and through the region is easy with many options available including car, coach, train and plane. Our nearest commercial airports are Sydney, Canberra, Shellharbour or Moruya. You can catch a train from Sydney to Bomaderry, with services running multiple times a day.
Mature & Productive Economy
The Shoalhaven has a mature but growing economic base. With broad diversity in many value-adding sectors such as aircraft maintenance and overhaul, manufacturing and logistics, the economic base is supported by domestic and international trade. Government administration and services are strong, as is education, health and the construction industry, with many localities also highly oriented to tourism and retail.
Population growth, primarily based on in-migration from metropolitan areas, continues to grow the labour force and provide extension to existing and new businesses. A skilled workforce supports the business base and utilises the resources of local training facilities of the University of Wollongong and TAFE NSW.
Shoalhaven City Council has an active Economic Development Office, working at the strategic and operational level to grow the economy and encourage expansion and diversification across all sectors.
Nowra - Bomaderry
Nowra is located 160km south of Sydney, and with its twin-town of Bomaderry, it is the commercial centre of the City of Shoalhaven local government area.
Milton - Ulladulla
Ulladulla is a coastal town on the Princes Highway approximately 230km south of Sydney. Ulladulla has close links with the nearby historic settlement of Milton and many services are shared between these towns. Milton-Ulladulla is the second largest settlement within Shoalhaven.