Thriving Defence Industry
Many internationally recognised Defence contractors operate in the Shoalhaven including Lockheed Martin/Sikorsky, Raytheon, Boeing, BAE Systems, Air Target Services and QinetiQ/Air Affairs. The Department of Defence operates a number of facilities in the Shoalhaven LGA, the largest being HMAS Albatross just south of Nowra. In all, the Defence industry contributes approximately over $365m in annual salaries and 2000 jobs to the local economy. The Defence sector contributes more than $520m to the Gross Regional Product of the Shoalhaven .
The Albatross Aviation Technology Park (AATP) adjacent to HMAS Albatross is providing a specific location from which aviation technology enterprises can service domestic and export markets. The AATP presents a great opportunity for Defence service industries, with about 20 industrial sites, with access to airfield facilities.
Industry Sector Overview
The Defence and Manufacturing sectors have traditionally been key industry sectors for the Shoalhaven, and will continue to be into the future, having already supported the substantial growth in the economy (GRP) and residential approvals over the last ten years.
The Defence industry is the enduring backbone of the economy, with its future in the Shoalhaven now secured and growth path established via capital expansion at the local bases of HMAS Albatross and HMAS Creswell.
The manufacturing sector has meanwhile remained strong and has continued to grow – a nod to the sectors adaptability and preparedness to grow and invest in niche sectors for domestic and international markets.
Defence and Public Administration
The Defence industry is very important to the Shoalhaven economy with many jobs associated directly with the operational activities of the HMAS Albatross and HMAS Creswell Naval bases. Defence jobs are both high value and have a high return to the local economy and form a large proportion of the Public Administration and Safety industry sector.
The presence of the Defence bases, which largely relate to personnel training and education, provide a strong platform for a community which is skilled, willing to learn and agile to change. This permeates through the broader community and is a cornerstone to the Shoalhaven’s high levels of skilled workers.
The Defence industry also provides a basis for growth into other related areas, including the aviation, advanced manufacturing and Defence support sectors. The presence of the bases, together with the presence of the Albatross Aviation Technology Park (AATP) with its direct airfield access to HMAS Albatross, there continues to be numerous opportunities to work co-operatively with Defence whilst leveraging opportunities to support their presence.
The manufacturing sector continues to be a very strong element of the Shoalhaven economy. The sector has very high output ratios per worker, along with high wages and high value-add to the local economy. When combined with the existing high number of jobs, this sector is clearly an important one for the overall Shoalhaven economy.
In recognition of this strong performance and an obvious resilience within the sector, it is recognised as one which has the opportunity to continue to grow with additional support and co-ordination via the existing business networks or by others. In particular, the sector is seen as one which could benefit from either an overarching industry group or through other efforts to capitalise on existing strong performance.
The sector is also one which may directly benefit from catalytic opportunities, for example how the sector has benefited from the Albatross Aviation Technology Park which now sees the area manufacturing and exporting specialist Defence and aviation capabilities around the world. This project represents the type of catalytic opportunity that can strengthen this sector and which may require sub-sector specific actions as and when these types of catalytic opportunities arise.
Albatross Aviation Technology Park (AATP)
Land is now available to purchase within the Albatross Aviation Technology Park.
AATP is a growing hub of aircraft maintenance and advanced manufacturing related enterprises, with close linkages to the South Nowra industrial estate, the Princes Highway, and Jervis Bay.
Due to the specialised nature of AATP, only EOIs from businesses/organisations in the aviation, advanced manufacturing, defence industry, and related education/training sectors will be considered. EOIs that propose to provide other supporting services to AATP (e.g. childcare, cafes, etc.) will also be considered.
Many lots have direct taxiway frontage and access, however access via the taxiway to the HMAS Albatross base and airfield is subject to strict approval from the Royal Australian Navy and does not form any part of this EOI, or the future land sales contract.
Please refer to the attached plan detailing the development opportunity of each.
EOIs are now being accepted through Integrity Real Estate. For more details on the lots available in the AATP, please click here.
Additional Information
More information can be found at the links below: