Helpful resources
Support for businesses in Australia - All
Information, grants, services and support from across government to help your business succeed.
Support for businesses in Australia - Business Plan Tool
This tool can be used by anyone thinking about starting a business or already running a business.
Service NSW Business Concierge
Provide free, one-on-one support for new or existing businesses.
Service NSW Business Connect
To support small businesses to start up, create jobs through growth, help high growth small businesses deliver on their potential, support high needs businesses to recover and or become sustainable and increase business confidence.
University of Wollongong
iAccelerate is both a program and a community of entrepreneurs, located within a world class university.
University of Wollongong Industry 4.0 hub
Located in the Shoalhaven, Industry 4.0 Hub is a collaborative environment open to students, industry and entrepreneurs.
Hospitality Concierge
A new ‘one stop shop’ for hospitality businesses to find out more about the new liquor licence reforms and to help your business benefit from new initiatives that reduce red tape and support the 24-hour economy.
Industry Capability Network
ICN NSW helps bring suppliers and project owners together by giving exclusive access to our powerful online database and our extensive network of Industry Consultants
Indigenous Business Australia
The NSW First Program helps visitor economy businesses to develop, promote and sell world-class experiences.